Monday, August 09, 2004


The Top 86,800

The folks at WordCount didn't mess around with the top 10. They went for the big time. At WordCount you will find a list of the 86,800 most frequently used words in English. Through the use of Flash technology the words are listed in a continuous horizontal listing. The words get progressively smaller as you go from left to right. The left is the more frequently used and the right is less frequently used. You can type in a number to simply find out what word exists at a particular rank or type in a word and find out its rank. Names (first and frequently last names too) are also a part of this listing. For example "Joe" (my name) is the 2,333 most frequently used word in English and the more formal "Joseph" ranks 3,191.

What is the site good for? Maybe it could be useful if you're attempting to decrypt secret messages or prove to your spouse that your name is more popular than his/hers. I just think it's fun and the Flash presentation is a treat.

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