Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Did You Hear the One About the Lawyer?

Power of Attorneys is a website that celebrates the funny side of the law. It contains links from crazy lawsuits, weird quotations from attorneys and judges, to plain old lawyer jokes. A must visit for those in the legal profession and a must visit for those who have been, are, or ever will be involved with what passes for the legal profession in this world.


Way Beyond Jello Mold & Melon Balls

Food that looks so good it's almost a shame to eat it. That's what you'll find at Chinese Watermelon Art-Sculpture. This is a slide show of various carvings of made from mostly melons. Designs range from traditional Chinese themes to more contemporary events like the Olympics.

At Holistic Living there are more of these edible masterpieces. The images are bigger and many display several of the pieces together. Melon Art is quite the wonder.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


May the Farm Be With You

That's not a typo. Store Wars is a neat little animation that makes a case for natural foods. Processed, irradiated, and genetically engineered foods come from the "dark side of the farm." If you don't agree with the message, just sit back and enjoy the animation and bad puns. My favorite character: Chubroccoli.

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